Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

From C, With Love - Weirdo Smeirdo!

Hey guys!

As you all know, i went to Penang for a short trip! I came back yesterday, but there's nothing interesting about it anyways so i won't waste your time babbling about it!



School was rather fun today!
Just the usuals, catch the flag, rugby, fooling around and stuff. Though, almost everyone in the class got locked out today because we were 10 minutes late to class. Everyone was too distracted with Catch the flag. Heh. Rugby today was rather violent though, the girls were especially violent with their claws too HAHA.

Oh and a big shout out to Shinji Sugawara because it's his birthday today! /pulls confetti

hmm, i guess that's about it! Bye people :).


Friday, July 16, 2010

From L, With Love - Hey you in the bluack shirt !

'Thou shine as bright as my editing'

This post is for you, Anthea Khoo,Cindy Quah ! Have a blast in London and Penang Both of ya'll !
Take care

Thursday, July 15, 2010

From C, With Love - Just an ordinary day in school.

L and A. :)

Just us in the ICT room watching a documentary about Tesla - the REAL electronic genius. Thomas Elva Edison is just so, so, overrated! Everyone should watch the movie - Prestige. We watched that for Physics because it had some information about Tesla, but the movie didn't have much to do about it anyway. It was ridiculously confusing though, confusing in a good way, i guess.

Oh, we played rugby and catch the flag too! Bad thing about those two games? We're really, really violent. Broke glass, broke wood, punched eye, groping and i don't know, possibly everything out of the ordinary? Heh.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

From A, With love - School on a Wednesday

Tchr kaiyuan took pics of us with his phonee during our chinese tutorials! L is stoning in the first picture . L for loser i guess :)
